Scholastic Sports
WINT is your home for the most complete scholastic sports coverage in Northeast Ohio, featuring Eastlake North, Euclid, Lake Catholic, Mayfield, Mentor, Villa Angela-Saint Joseph, and Willoughby South.
August through November
Scholastic Football games on Friday and Saturday evenings, including playoff games as our schools compete for the State Championship.
Presented by:

- Cleveland Clinic: Get the care you need, close to you in Lake County. 800-223-2273

- Roofing by Klemenc: Call Sue Klemenc for roofing repairs or a new roof. 440-951-2033
Sports Schedule
Fall Sports
High School Football pre-games at 6:46 unless otherwise noted. NHL Hockey pre-games at 6:30 unless otherwise noted. All teams and start times subject to change.
For more about scholastic football,
visit the OHSAA Football website.
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